Guidelines for Recommendation Letters
I love writing recommendation letters for former students. Here’s some more information about requesting a letter from me.
Please give me at least 2-4 weeks notice to complete recommendations. The earlier you ask, the better letter you will get.
To request a letter, please send me an email with this information:
Application Details:
What is this application for? (Attach the link or flyer. If the materials are not in English, please summarize for me.)
When is this letter due?
Are there any instructions in the application about how long my letter should be, what it should contain, etc?
How do I submit this letter?
Questions About You:
What are you applying for?
Why are you applying for this?
What have you been up to since I last saw you? (If you worked on a project with me, tell me how it turned out!)
Do you have a resume and/or examples of your work? Attach them!
Is there anything else that you’d like me to mention or think I should know?